A little while back people were getting excited about a few copyrights Nintendo posted, well I emailed them to find out what was up. Apparently, nothing much!
The "Wii Handle" is allegedly just the Wii Zapper- major letdown there considering most were hoping this was Nintendo's answer to Msoft's Gamertag.
When inquired about the "Soma Bringer" I was told there are no plans to bring it to any Nintendo platform. Hit the jump for the full reply email. Check back here for more on Wii Magic and other patents
Hello and thank you for contacting Nintendo,
Just to let you know, there are no plans to bring Soma Bringer to any of our systems. Will it happen in the future? You never know what the future might hold, so keep checking our website's news section (www.nintendo.com/newsmain) for the latest information and announcements.
Once a game has been officially announced, our website's Game List (http://www.nintendo.com/gamelist) represents the best place to find the most accurate release dates. Once there, click "Show advanced filtering" and use the dropdown menus to narrow your search based on system, publisher, number of players, etc.
When you have filtered your search, click on the game's title to see all the available information. If what you seek is not yet available, please check back later. When there is new information to share on announced games or other upcoming products, our website is the best official source!
Remember, any posted release dates are estimates and subject to change. As a product's estimated release date approaches, you may wish to check with your local retailers to see when it may be available in your area.
Now, there is a "Wii handle" in development. It's called (tentatively), the Wii Zapper. So far, there is no release date for this accessory. When it is, our website (www.nintendo.com) will be the best place to find it.
By the way, while you are at our site, be sure to check out the My Nintendo section. Not only does this allow you to monitor the progress of any repairs or part orders that you may have, it also gives you access to the Nintendo Forums where you can interact with other players. Here you can discuss games and systems, and possibly obtain key game play information. Take a look. I think that you will find it helpful.
Nintendo of America Inc.
Name has been removed to protect the innocent
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